test of qualification

英 [test ɒv ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] 美 [test əv ˌkwɑːlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]

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  1. The number of questions to be attempted may also differ between test methods and level of qualification.
  2. The Conflict between the Validity of the Result of Psychological Test and Its Lack of Qualification as Evidence
  3. Ideas of stratification of nurse practice test and hierarchization of qualification certification of nurses
  4. The requirements of operational test and qualification are analyzed according to the development practice of antiship missile. The basic contents of operational test and qualification are put forward also.
  5. Presently, there has variance among the requirements of medical education, the test of physician qualification and the standard training of residents.
  6. Training medicos and the clinical residents is the requirement for fitting in with the test of physician qualification, which is essential for the department of the sanitary administration to administrate physicians by law.
  7. This text introduces the importance of energy efficiency quality inspection of the Building, the Method of Test and the Basis of Qualification Judgment.
  8. Finally introduced are the test data and conclusions of the qualification test for the bogie by scientific departments.
  9. Endurance vibration testing is a crucial test to determining the service life of air-to-air missile, and it's a qualification test difficult to pass.
  10. Test of educational theory ( including psychology and pedagogy) is designed as a qualification testing system for primary and middle school teachers of non-educational major.
  11. Meanwhile, in June 1998, the Maritime Bureau of China has given some detailed rules on the Engine Room Simulator in the outline of test and evaluation of qualification of the seamen on oceangoing vessels.
  12. Analysis of the test of physician qualification in our hospital
  13. The Doctor Practical Technique Test is one of the two important parts in the Doctor Qualification Tests.
  14. A synthetic test for the performance of the putty shows that the putty powder developed in the present work can meet the qualification for exterior use.
  15. We must enhance the practical education administration of trainee to adapt to the test of physician qualification.
  16. Nowadays, in order to improve the efficiency, more and more test fields use the electronic assistant in the test of driver qualification.
  17. Just because of the different testing standards and contents, disordered organization and management our teacher competency test which exits many problems and is difficult to be managed by our government can't make a correct and objective assessment of teacher qualification appliers.
  18. Importance of maintainability test and qualification for antiship missile weapon systmes is analyzed. Distribution hypothesis of maintainability and qualification method of maintainability are offered. Test scheme design of maintainability for antiship missile weapon systems is given.
  19. The purpose of the test was for the selection of athletes who can complete the aerobic gymnastics routines and get the minimum standards. Then these gymnasts have got the qualification to attend the national aerobic gymnastics league match to eliminate others who through selection.
  20. In the welding process, the 40 kinds of welding process test, and forming a complete coverage of the welding procedure qualification, and to study ways to eliminate residual stress.
  21. Usually, when we test whether a product is meet the needs of the users or not only according to judge from the qualification or disqualification, it has been out of work in the actual situation.